Best Laser Hair Removal Treatment in Delhi - Which Doctor is Best For You?

Imagine a skin that is soft and silky smooth to touch for months even without shaving or waxing it. There is no sight of any single razor bump or ingrown hair. Yes, all this can be achieved with laser hair removal treatment performed at DermaWorld Skin and Hair Clinics, Best Laser Hair Removal Treatment in Delhi.

Laser hair removal is a safe, effective, and precise method of hair removal that acts as the best alternative to shaving, waxing, and depilating. It is a minimally invasive procedure that can be used anywhere on the body as well as in any sensitive hairy area. Popular treatment sites include leg, chest, back, underarm, bikini area, and facial hair. With laser treatment, the targeted hair can become finer and softer, which means less noticeable. After multiple sessions, there is a significant reduction of hair and a delay in hair growth.

Read further to know the basics of laser hair removal techniques and decide if it\'s the right solution for you.

How does laser hair removal work?

In laser hair removal treatment, a concentrated beam of light of a single wavelength (i.e. red spectrum of light specifically infrared) is used to permanently destroy or damage the individual hair follicles. This treatment focuses light on hair roots that lie beneath the skin surface by using a medical-grade laser. The light gets absorbed by the melanin present in the hair shaft and results in the weakening of hair follicles or its thermal destruction. This process is known as selective photothermolysis.

To prevent hair regrowth, the laser light must be targeted to actively growing hair. As individual hairs could be in different parts of hair growth phases at a particular time, hence several sittings are required to get long-lasting results.

Why choose laser hair removal?

A laser hair removal offers many benefits:

  • It enables people to achieve along lasting result as compared to sugaring, waxing, or use of hair removal creams. Up to 70-80% hair reduction can occur with this method. Even if any hair grows back, it is lighter, softer, and finer.
  • It helps avoid skin irritation (or razor bumps), stubbles, and ingrown hairs after shaving.
  • Unlike, intense pulsed light therapy, the laser hair removal method is suitable for hard-to-reach areas and dark skin tones.
  • It is associated with tolerable pain which is felt like a skin pricking sensation or a flick of an elastic band.
  • In contrast to the electrolysis procedure, it can be used to remove hair all over the body with an ability to fall- off multiple hairs covering large as well as short body areas at one time.
  • Although the length of the procedure may vary among different individuals based on the extent of the area to be treated, the results can be observed after the first few weeks of the first laser treatment session.
  • A course of laser hair removal requires a one-time investment of money and time and a person may not need to undergo monthly hassles like other methods.
  • It enhances the skin texture and tone and says goodbye to uneven skin and pigmentation. Thus, facial hair removal can reduce embarrassment and regain self-confidence by taking away the dark shadows of the face.

Is laser hair removal unsafe?

Laser hair removal is safe for any skin type. It targets only the hair follicles, leaving the surrounding skin unharmed. Only a slight redness may be experienced by some people which usually subsides within 24 hours. The laser used for hair removal is very powerful so it’s important to undergo the laser procedure by a trained laser practitioner for the patient’s safety.
The cost of laser hair removal treatment in Delhi depends on various factors like the type of lasers used, patient skin type, target area of the face and body, type of hair growth, and also depends on the doctor\\\'s experience. It is recommended that one must get treatment from an expert laser skin doctor to achieve safe results.

Can laser hair removal be used on any skin type?

With advancements in laser technology, people with different skin types from fair to dark can undergo hair removal. Lasers can be adjusted to a variety of skin and hair color combinations, provided there is the presence of melanin pigment in unwanted hair (i.e. the hair is dark enough to be attracted to laser) to be removed. Ideally, light skin color with dark hair is suitable for a laser treatment but now it can be safely used for brown, olive, and black skin tones. At DermaWorld Skin and Hair Clinics, all types of laser technology are available that are effective in removing hair from all skin types.

How to prepare for laser hair removal?

Before starting the treatment, people must ensure that the treatment site is clean and shaved. They must not drink alcohol 24 hours before the treatment, avoid antibiotics intake as they are photosensitive, keep away from sun exposure, and take a pain reliever 30 minutes beforehand to make the treatment more comfortable.

Want to know more about full-body laser hair removal treatment? Schedule an appointment with the Best Doctor for Laser Hair Removal in Delhi at DermaWorld Skin and Hair Clinics, the best laser skin clinic in India.


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