Top 10 Facts to Know About Laser Hair Removal

Laser treatment for unwanted hair removal is quite popular. This cutting-edge technology not only removes the hair but also gives pain-relief satisfaction in the long term. As a result, many people in today’s era are highly considering this technique to get freedom from unwanted hair. Even though the lasers are safe, candidates still need to collect all the required information before visiting a salon or the best dermatologist’s clinic.

In this article of Dermaworld Skin & Hair Clinic, renowned for the best laser hair removal in Delhi, the laser experts will discuss the top 10 facts about the treatment. So stay connected throughout the post.

Laser Hair Removal in Delhi

Top 10 Facts About Laser Hair Removal Treatment

  1. Laser Hair Removal is Non-Cancerous

An assumption rooted in laser technique is it causes skin cancer. But the real fact is laser hair removal performed under the guidance of an experienced skin doctor is safe. During the procedure, technicians regulate the light’s density as a result it penetrates the epidermis only where hair follicles reside. Hence, the chances for skin cancer through laser is negligible.


           2. Laser Light works Effectively on The All type of Skins  

Indeed, the skin tone and texture of everyone is dissimilar, like fair, dark, wheatish, oily, and dry skin. Additionally, many have sensitive skin. Alma Soprano Ice and Alma Soprano Ice Platinum Laser effectively work with all skin types and enhance their tone and texture along with hair removal. 


             3. It is Unable to Remove Shiny and Fringe Hairs

There is an assumption that laser hair removal can target thick and darker hairs only. But the fact is, those days have gone, and now laser treatment is helpful in all types of hair removal. To do so, the laser expert chooses a laser technique depending upon the candidate hair type and growth. 

Alma Soprano Ice Platinum is clustered diode technology for thick and long hair removal. Alma Soprano Ice combines diode, advanced ICETM, and Alexandrite laser for all types of hair removal.


           4. Laser Hair Removal is Comparatively Affordable in Long-Term

Many people find laser hair removal treatments expensive when compared with traditional ones. This is true but in the short term. While comparing a laser hair removal cost with conventional wax, shave and various other hair removal cosmetics in broader terms, like expense of purchasing traditional products and their outcome, with laser hair removal results, the laser will unquestionably be a smart deal for grooming.  


            5. Laser Hair Removal is Pain-free

A controversy regarding comfort during a laser hair removal procedure is that some say it is a painful treatment, whereas some consider it most comforting. During a laser hair removal procedure, a handheld device rotates on the skin and burns the hair follicles. This is completely different from traditional ways of hair root yanking through wax strips or epilators. As a result, it's safe to say that laser hair removal is a pain-free procedure. 


          6. Candidate Should Avoid Taking Certain Medication

Even though laser hair removal is the most comfortable procedure, the patient must begin caring for their health before it begins. The individual may receive instructions to alter their lifestyle, refrain from using specific medications, or cut back on alcohol during this phase. Drugs that are photosensitive include chemical components with photo-reactive agents in them, which cause them to respond to UV light. As a result, candidates are advised to stop. Additionally, some oral drugs may have a negative impact on the body, So one should advise to stop or limit the medication.


           7. The candidate does not Need to Trim or Shave the Hairs to be Treated

There is a myth gruelling that candidates should stop hair cleaning before the laser treatment commences, which is untrue. Dermatologists or laser experts advise every candidate to shave the body part or trim hairs to zero level just before the treatment. It will make access to hair follicles easier. Once the laser hair removal sessions start, candidates should avoid waxing or use an applicator.

           8. Laser Hair Removal Tans the Skin

The concept of laser technology is based on heat-up the follicles and burning them. Laser techniques in this way lead to an assumption that the skin will tan after the treatment. This is false. Laser light stimulates hair follicles only and burns them, and skin remains untouched when laser emissions destroy the hair follicle, a cooling device mounted on the device head, on the other hand, works to cool down the temperature. As a result, laser hair removal cannot exaggerate skin melanin to make it darker or tanned.

         9. After Laser Treatment, the Skin Needs Intense Care.

Laser is a non-invasive hair removal treatment. In the treatment, laser lights are used to treat unwanted hair growth. After the procedure, candidates can take the same day off and take rest at home. Candidates are advised to avoid direct sun exposure and high chemical-based cosmetics on the treated area during this time frame. Meanwhile, individuals can pursue routine work. Redness is a very-short term counter effect that can be treated through ice packs.

        10. Laser Lights are Ineffective on Ingrown Hairs.

Ingrown hairs are tiny hairs curled back into the skin, forming a bump similar to a blackhead. Ingrown hairs sometimes are painful and blemish on the skin. Laser hair removal is the most effective treatment for ingrown hairs. This procedure, painlessly and without damaging the skin, can treat skin issues of ingrown hairs. 


Final Thoughts

Body hairs prevent the skin from pollution and allergies. But these hairs need to be removed for grooming, hygiene and sometimes for medical reasons. Laser hair removal is the most effective and painless method in this regard. Any fully grown individual, regardless of age and gender, can consider this treatment. But before visiting a skin care clinic, candidates must have the detailed information about the treatment. 

To learn about laser hair removal, schedule a consultation at DermaWorld Skin & Hair Clinics. The cost of full body laser hair removal in Delhi at the clinic depends on varied factors such as skin type, density and colour of hair, amount of hair to be treated, number of sessions, etc. The cost ranges from Rs 15,00- Rs. 20,000 per session. To know more visit the clinic today.


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